Important March Updates

Welcome New Members!

Ground Rules Academy saw fantastic growth in January and February, with 14 new members added to the team! This raises the quality of the academy because we cannot train without trusted training partners, and every student/family brings a valuable perspective to enrich our learning experience and community.

Let's keep up the growth by sharing your experience with friends and family. And if you have not already, please consider putting your positive experiences in writing with a ​google review​.

No-Gi Uniforms

Please be sure to dress the kids in a clean rash guard and gi pants on Fridays! We avoid training in street clothes due to safety (little fingers can get snagged in pockets) and hygiene (a day of germs and grime presents unnecessary health risks). Just imagine rubbing your face in your little one's dirty laundry at the end of the day!

Just like with the gi, throw the used jiu jitsu outfit directly into the wash when you get home. Thank you for helping us keep everybody safe and healthy!

Schedule Adjustment

In March we will adjust class times. All classes will start 5 minutes past the hour, and end 5 minutes before the next hour. This will give us time to clear the mats, chat with parents, help with tying belts, and take personal breaks.

Thank you for understanding the need to refine our system!

The new Ground Rules Academy Class schedule has been adjusted so classes start 5 minutes past the hour and end 5 minutes before the next hour.

March Curriculum

This month we will be focusing on the plight of the guard passer. After opening the closed guard (no easy task), the top player needs to thwart submission attempts, attack with their own submissions, and avoid getting stuck in the half guard. Besides being a set of skills that have been underrepresented so far in the GRA curriculum (self-defense is always the top priority), we have several students with potential to become mighty top players!

Ground Rules Academy March 25 tentative curriuculum focuses on guard passing, half guard passing, avoiding submissions and applying submissions

Jiu Jitsu in the Park is Back!


Belts in BJJ: What they are and what they aren’t