January 2025 News Letter and Curriculum
Closed New Years Eve - Open New Years Day
Our Tuesday night advanced BJJ class falls on New Year's Eve this year and we will be closed.
New Year's Day, however, is an excellent time to start the year off with some mat time. Adults are encouraged to come roll at an 11am open mat, and our evening youth and adult classes will be held according to our regular Wednesday schedule.
New Year's Promotional Offer
New students that sign up on or before 1/31/25 will receive half-off of the first month’s tuition. Please spread the word so we can help more people grow through the art of jiu jitsu! See our original blog post here.
January 2025 Curriculum
We just can't get enough judo. Part of being a well-rounded grappler is knowing how to grapple on your feet. We will continue learning new techniques before we spend a week tying all of our judo skills together with setups and combos.
After that we'll swing back around to the BJJ basics - escaping bad positions and passing the guard.