Movie Night and More

Movie Night - Sunday Dec. 22nd 5-8pm

Ground Rules Academy will be hosting Movie Night, so drop the kids off and enjoy some quiet time before the holiday hustle ensues! Siblings, friends, and neighbors are welcome to join. Pizza and drinks will be provided, followed by some free play time and then a movie. The kids are welcome to bring a blanket and a pillow to lounge on the mats during the movie.

Advertisement for Movie Night at GRA, Sunday 12/22 from 5-8PM

Holiday Schedule

The Academy will be closed from Monday 12/23 through Saturday 12/28. We look forward to seeing you back the following week for our regular class schedule starting on Monday 12/30!

Jiu Jitsu in the Park Postponed

It appears probable that the current rainy weather pattern remain for a while, so Jiu Jitsu in the Park will be back when things clear up in the new year!

Reminder: Please Leave a Review!

Please remember to leave a positive review on Google Business. Growth of the program will benefit us all!

​Click here to leave a review​​


New Year's Promotion - 50% off


Basic Techniques now on YouTube