Waiver and Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk Acknowledgement
I, the undersigned, my heirs, and my next of kin, in consideration of my participation in any form in the martial arts classes, practices, tournaments, and related activities of Ground Rules Academy LLC (a.k.a. the Academy), hereby
Release the Academy, its owners, board members, officers, instructors, coaches, employees, volunteers, event officials and sponsors, and if applicable, lessors, lessees, and guarantors of premises used to conduct the event, all of whom hereinafter referred to as "indemnities", from any and all liability, claims, including but not limited to, personal injuries, which can be permanent injuries, death, and property damage or destruction occurring on or off the premises, caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by the active or passive negligence of the indemnities or otherwise. I, and/or my parent or legal guardian, bear sole and complete responsibility for any such loss, damage, injury, or death and relieve, discharge and hold harmless the indemnities from any and all such liability.
Acknowledge and fully understand that I am engaging in a contact sport that might result in serious injury, permanent disability or death, and severe social and economic losses due to not only my own actions, inactions or negligence, but also to the actions, inactions, or negligence of others, the rules of the sport and martial arts, or conditions of the premises or of any equipment used. Further, I acknowledge that there may be other risks not known to me or not reasonably foreseeable at this time.
Acknowledge that martial arts can be physically demanding. I am in good physical condition, and have no physical or emotional problems, nor any history thereof~ which will impair my ability to participate in the class and use the facilities and equipment in a safe manner. I assume risk and accept total personal responsibility for any damage, loss, injury, permanent injury, or death.
Acknowledge that my use of the facilities and equipment and my taking part in the classes is entirely optional and on my own free choice. I have the right and duty to inspect the facilities and equipment to be used, and agree that I am the ultimate judge as to whether they can be used without risk of harm to me.
Acknowledge that I am submitting this waiver, release of liability, and assumption of risk declaration voluntarily and of my own free will.
Parents or legal guardians of minor participants (below age 18) additionally agree that they instruct the minor participant to the above warnings and conditions and their ramifications, and that they consent to the minor's participation.